Islam justifies its existence through the
failure of Judaism
A successful Jewish State, especially one
successful militarily, is a theological threat to Moslems everywhere
His right derived from time
immemorial in his
family, to enter Jewish houses, and take
toll or
contributions at any time without giving
-A "Muslim in Hebron," as reported
by James Finn, British Consul in
Jerusalem, 1858
I have learned with horror of the
atrocious acts committed by bodies of
and blood-thirsty evil-doers, of savage
perpetrated upon defenseless members of
Jewish population, regardless of age or
sex ...
acts of unspeakable savagery ....
-J. R. Chancellor, High Commissioner and
Commander-in-Chief in Palestine, September
1, 1929
Islam has a lot to fear from Judaism.
Not because Judaism is in any way antagonistic to Islam, but rather that
Islam justifies its existence because of the failure of the Jews -- in
particular their failure militarily over Rome. To have a successful
Jewish State, especially one successful militarily, is a theological threat
to Moslems everywhere.
The Church had similar replacement theology,
blaming the Jews for the death of Christ. "Replacement theology"
was understood to be rooted in the cursing of the Jews (the cursing of
the field of Judas), and the reason behind their national misfortune.
But the de facto success of the State of Israel, and disdain for centuries
of anti-Semitism within the Church, led to profound theological changes.
In 1965, the Catholic Nostra Aetate, stated clearly and plainly 1) The
Jews as a whole were no longer ... responsible for the death of Christ,
and, 2) Above all, they were no longer considered "rejected by God" or
"cursed." Fortunately the Church had an alternative "Grafted on"
Theology to fall back on, where the Church is a extension, rather than
a replacement, of Judaism.
Islam does not particularly blame the
Jews for death of Christ, rather specifically for its failure militarily
over Rome during the lifetime of The Prophet Mohammed, and generally for
Judaism's failure to become a successful world religion. The de facto
success of the State of Israel, causes similar problems within Islam, but
this time there is no theological alternative. The right and proof
of the legitimacy of Islam was originally the Jews misfortune at the hands
of Rome and later Byzantium. When these empires disappeared, Islam
itself took on this role. The Jews lowly status was no longer a fact
of circumstance, but an Islamic right.
Before proceeding to the evidence and indications
of the "systems" of immigration and their crucial consequence in Palestine,
it is important to look at the conditions under which the Palestinian Jews
lived during the generations prior to the "new," late-nineteenth-century
Jewish settlements.
In order to assess accurately the responsibility
for the plight of the Arab refugees, the true role must be seen of the
Jews in Palestine among the many ethnic groups constituting the Muslim
inhabitants who are all called -- and for the sake of convenience will
be called here -- Arabs.
Although the same as in Arab countries
in some fundamental respects, the relationships in the Holy Land developed
special qualitative differences. Those attitudes were the residual of a
long tradition of intrinsic prejudice inflamed by cynical political manipulation.
That tradition has been perpetuated for generations-and for more than three
decades at the cost of the well-being of some of the Arab refugee-emigres
The violence that the PLO's Yasser Arafat
and others now claim was "only begun against Jews with the 1948 rebirth
of Israel" -- "Palestinian" terrorism -- was actually a critical factor
in the early developments that instigated the pivotal population conditions
in Palestine. In their Holy Land, the Jews, as well as Christians, suffered
long from harsh discrimination, persecution, and pogroms. According to
the British Consulate report in 1839, the Jew's life was not "much above"
that of a dog.[1]
The inverting of facts -- turnspeak * --
has had the propaganda effect of perpetuating the false claim of "displaced"
and "terrorized" Arabs in the Jewish-settled area of Palestine until the
current time-long after the charge had been disproved by investigations.
In fact, as following chapters will show, it was the Jews who were displaced
by Arabs-the Arab immigrant flocks would migrate into the Jewish areas
of development, filling the places that the Jews were clearing for other
Jews -- on land designated at that very time as the mandated "Jewish Homeland."
[*Tumspeak-the cynical inverting or distorting
of facts, which, for example, makes the victim appear as culprit.]
Those few "Arab effendi" families-like
the Husseinis and the Nashashibis and the Khalidis-who had been dispossessing
and then continuing to exploit the hapless peasant-migrant in underpopulated
Palestine would become threatened by the spectacle of dhimmi Jews
living on the land as equals, tilling their own soil and granting previously
unknown benefits to the Arabic-speaking non-Jewish worker. The Jews would
undoubtedly upset the "sweets of office," which had been accruing to the
Thousands of peasant-migrants would be emigrating to reap the better wages,
health benefits, and improvements of the Jewish communities. Although the
charge scalper's prices for land they sold to the Jews, at the same time
they would lose thousands of their former debtors who saw an escape from
the stranglehold of usury and corruption prevalent in Palestine for generations.
Yet perhaps most galling of all to effendi
was the Jew who would settle the land. This was not the
dhimmi Jew--cowering
to survive, as in Arab lands -- but a person who commanded equal treatment.
The outrage which that insistence created, among those weaned on the tradition
of Muslim supremacy, would infect the multi-ethnic Arabic-speaking Muslim
workers of Palestine as well: for centuries Jews had been objects to oppress
and despise.
As a Muslim in Hebron retorted when he
was confronted with his theft and vandalism of Jews in 1858, "his right
derived from time immemorial in his family, to enter Jewish houses,
and take toll or contributions at any time without giving account."[2]
This attitude and its prevalence in Palestine cannot be overlooked. It
is perhaps the most powerful factor in the Middle East conflict today and
certainly the core of the "Palestinian" question -- the true "heart of
the matter."
From the beginning of Turkish rule in the
sixteenth century, the infidel
code of oppressions against
nonbelievers was maintained in Palestine. The humiliation was a given;
the degree of harshness of injunctions against Jews depended on the whim
of the ruler, local as well as the lord of the empire. Among the constants
of dhimma restrictions in the Holy Land:
Jews had to pass Muslims on their
left side, because that was the side of Satan. They had to yield the right
of way, step off the pavement to let the Arab go by, above all make sure
not to touch him in passing, because this could provoke a violent response.
In the same way, anything that. reminded the Muslim of the presence of
alternative religions, any demonstration of alternative forms of worship,
had to be avoided so synagogues were placed in humble, hidden places, and
the sounds of Jewish prayer carefully muted.[19]
1. Italian daily Corriere
della Sera. But this declaration came too late. From the Middle Ages until
the modern era, it would have been extremely useful, since Christian anti-Semitism
was in fact at the root of the persecution of Jews in Europe. Undoubtedly,
had it been pronounced before the Holocaust, Hitler would have been far
more limited in his implementation of the "Final Solution." Pius XII would
probably have acted differently regarding the extermination of the Jews.
It is also true, however, that in the considerably de-Christianized western
world of today, the theology of Nostra Aetate has practically no effect
on the general public.
This page was produced by Joseph
E. Katz
Middle Eastern Political and Religious
History Analyst
Brooklyn, New York
to a friend
Source: "From Time Immemorial" by Joan
Peters, 1984
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